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V G P 6/3/08

Hey everyone,
We made a number of changes to the VGP that would should know about. We have clarfied language in various areas, updated several definitions and made a change to the Minimum Coverage Guidelines. We made these changes in order to clear up confusion and address community concerns that have been brought up, and backed up by Peer Review and emails received by ratingdispute@imvu.com.

You can review the changes here: [www.imvu.com]

The following is a summary of the changes to the Virtual Goods Policy:

1. The Minimum Coverage Guidelines will only reflect coverage for all areas in red. There will be no more orange or white in the MCG.

What this means, is a product needs to fully cover all red areas in order to be considered compliant for the General Audience.

2. We changed the UFI Real Gambling to Wagering. We also provided a clearer definition on what is considered wagering with an IMVU product.

3. Merchandising Behavior is now explained in more detail on what is considered the product and how it is marketed in IMVU, whether it is hidden or not. A few of the key points mentioned are all parts of the product page which include the product description, Icon, Category, and tags.

4. Lingerie and undergarments are no longer automatically considered to be Access Pass Only. If the product covers the Minimum Coverage Guideline areas and is not sheer/transparent, then it is considered acceptable for the General Audience. However, if a product is not 100% opaque, and you can see the red through the product, then it will be categorized as an Access Pass product.

5. We also wrote out to be very clear that the Minimum Coverage Guide will cover all 3D and 2D products, which include Stickers, Meshes, finished objects, animations, avatar, human, animal, etc.

We realize that some products over the last 9 months were re-rated AP due to being categorized as Lingerie. For those who have lingerie and undergarments still in AP and would like them to be GA, please make sure they are 100% opaque and cover all areas of red, then write to ratingdispute@imvu.com to ask for the product to be re-rated back to General Audience. Please include the Product ID Number in the email and allow time for the CS Review team to review the product again and re-rate to GA. I also want to make sure to set for correct response expectations for the rating dispute mailbox. The response time may take anywhere from 1 to 2 weeks, so please be patient while the CS Review team looks over your product and can respond with the appropriate information.

At the same time we revise the Virtual Goods Policy, we will also be updating Peer Review to reflect these same changes. We should have these changes in place very shortly.

I will be locking this thread as a reference to the VGP changes and will create a new thread so everyone can discuss this topic.

The discussion is located here: [www.imvu.com]

Lastly, it may take about an hour or more for the site to update and reflect the new changes as we update our site.

Rob \"Guardian\" Quick
Creator Community Manager

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