Here is where to download Blender for free.
A few very basic tutorials on Blender to IMVU. Furniture, opacity mapping, and more.
More Blender tutorials. Also has examples of how to set up locked rooms and furniture rooms.
{Tutorial} Adding Furniture Nodes
About these tutorials:
I am by no means the best Blender expert on IMVU. I don't claim to be. I do know a good bit about how it works and how to
make it work with IMVU. If you see anything confusing or inaccurate in any of the tutorials that I write here, please do
not hesitate to let me know so that we can all share in the CORRECT and easy to understand knowledge.
Some of the posts will contain links. To open them in a separate tab so that you don't lose your place, hold CRTL and
then click on the link. (I don't know how to make it open in a separate window in a forum post....yet) That being said, lets
get started.
Getting started with Blender 101
About Blender.
Blender is an open-open source program that is free to download and free to use. It has a huge array of features available
and has an endless amount of possibilities. Because it is an open-source program (meaning that the source code for the program
is available publicly), scripts can be written by anyone who has programming knowledge to expand Blender's possibilities even
What do I need to know before I start?
First off, I HIGHLY recommend getting a firm grasp on how to retexture items before trying to make a mesh. this is simply
because after you make your mesh, you basically have to texture in the same way.
It would also be best if you knew somewhat how to use Blender in general. There are several place that have tutorials the
general use of blender. I'll post a few of the best ones here. This way you will know what I am talking about and you will
be better able to understand the directions.
What files do I need to get started with Blender?
First of all, you will need to DOWNLOAD BLENDER, as if that was not obvious.
Second, you need the previewer, that you should already have.
Lastly you need to have the Cal3d exporter. There is one already installed with Blender, but I have not had good luck with
it at all. I used the one that can be downloaded HERE It about half way down and called Blender to IMVU Exporter. the installation instructions are there too.
Ok get that all set up and then you can get started. The next post I'll get into making a simple object in a way that
will work good with IMVU.